M: Manal

S: Sara

J: Joudi

K: Karam


<beginning of film>


0001: (M) TC: 00:01:09:17-00:01:16:08

Syria (is) a very beautiful country. Indeed Damascus is very famous for the smell of Jasmine.


0002: (M) TC: 00:01:17:22-00:01:27:02

I live with my children. We live in peace. We live in safe place. We live fantastic life.


0003: (M) TC: 00:01:28:20-00:01:32:18

And usually, I become very happy when I go to the sea.


0004: (M) TC: 00:01:33:03-00:01:36:20

And my kids become very very happy, and go swimming.


0005: (K) TC: 00:01:38:02-00:01:42:10

رحنا مشوار على البحر

لا و كمان كان معي "تيدي" ماشاءالله


0006: (S) TC: 00:01:43:16-00:01:50:16

أحلى أيام مرقت بعمري هي الأيام يلي كنت اقضي وقتي باللاذقية


0007: (K) TC: 00:01:55:21-00:02:00:02

الشيء المفضل عندي كان وقت ما امي إشترتلي لعبة بتعمل قلعة


0008: (J) TC: 00:02:01:04-00:02:06:02

قاعدة على البحر بالليل, و السماء كتير بتجنن


0009: (J) TC: 00:02:07:14-00:02:10:08

صوت البحر و ريجتو كتير حلوة


0010: (S) TC: 00:02:11:08-00:02:14:03

انا مو بس بحبو, كتير بعشقو


0011: (M) TC: 00:02:18:02-00:02:27:09

At first, I am living in small house. I work hard, about 18 years, to buy this new house. Outside Damascus.


0012: (S) TC: 00:02:28:02-00:02:30:22

الصراحة أنا كتير بحبو هاد البيت


0013: (J) TC: 00:02:34:10-00:02:37:19

أكتر شي بحبو هو الباربي, كتير بحبن


0014: (K) TC: 00:02:41:13-00:02:44:08

كنا نلعب فيو البيت غميضة


0015: (J) TC: 00:02:50: 00:02:54:10

كان عنا سلحفاة صغيرة

كنت حاطها على البلكونة


0016: (K) TC: 00:02:54:11-00:03:00:07

كان حيواننا الأليف, زيزفونة


0017: (S) TC: 00:03:02:14-00:03:07:24

لحد الأن حياتي منيحة...و مبسوطة


0018: (M) TC: 00:03:13:01-00:03:23:11

When I watch TV and see the war in Homs. I just turn off TV, and see my kids around me.


0018: (M) TC: 00:03:27:01-00:03:30:04

I don’t imagine one day the war will come to me.


0019: (M) TC: 00:03:35:09-00:03:38:00

But… This is what happened.


0020: (S) TC: 00:03:45:02-00:03:48:08

صار الإنفجار فجأة


0021: (M) TC: 00:03:48:23-00:03:55:16

My son sleeping in my bedroom.

There is, like, very sharp sound.


0022: (S) TC: 00:03:56:06-00:04:02:01

فجأة شفنا الشي يلي بيمسك الشباك

طلع من محلو بسبب الضغط


0023: (M) TC: 00:04:03:14-00:04:07:20

I just take my son, and the window, like, throw on him.


0024: (K) TC: 00:04:08:06-00:04:10:18

ما بتذكر أيا شي


0025: (M) TC: 00:04:11:11-00:04:19:09

My kids are shouting, they don’t know what’s happening. I just gathered my kids to calm them down.


0026: (S) TC: 00:04:20:04-00:04:26:02

شفت الأخبار, بس أكيد الأحداث الي صارت قدام عيني افظع بكتير


0027: (J) TC: 00:04:27:07-00:04:29:14

ما حلو أبدا إنو هيك صار


0028: (M) TC: 00:04:33:04 -00:04:45:07

This house is my dream house. But at that time,
I recognize that I must leave my home. And in the morning, we will escape for Damascus.


0029: (K) TC: In: 00:04:46:08-00:04:51:05

إيه تذكرت شغلة, كمان اخدنا معنا سلحفتنا زيزفونة


0030: (M) TC: 00:04:54:24-00:05:10:17

I find one room to rent in Damascus, but it is a storage room. Not (meant) for humans to live in. But it is war, and people need any shelter (they can find) to continue their life.


0031: (S) TC: 00:05:11:14-00:05:14:07

كان كتير سيء و بشع


0032: (M) TC: 00:05:15:20-00:05:18:00

This is storage full of insects.


0033: (J) TC: 00:05:23:18-00:05:25:18

كتير كان بقرف


0034: (M) TC: 00:05:25:22-00:05:33:13

But with my kids, I accepted it, because I have no choice.

But I don’t like them to feel depressed.


0035: (M) TC: 00:05:33:20-00:05:41:00

I talk to my kids. This is just temporary. I give them hope, like injections of hope.


0036: (J) TC: 00:05:44:08-00:05:46:14

الباربي تبعي ما قدرت جيبهن, ضلو بالبيت


0037: (S) TC: 00:05:48:04-00:05:53:11

على أمل انو الحرب تخلص و نرجع على بيتنا


0038: (J) TC: 00:05:56:03-00:05:57:22

يا ريت كتير كتير بنبسط


0039: (S) TC: 00:06:01:12-00:06:02:24

بس ما صار


0040: (M) TC: 00:06:18:22-00:06:28:15

After one year, I hear that there is (a) cease-fire. Where I’m living before. And they are allowing normal people, like us, to go and check their homes.


0041: (M) TC: 00:06:32:22- 00:06:37:15

هذا هو بابنا, و هذا هو المدخل


0042: (M) TC: 00:06:39:12-00:06:42:15

عم بصور؟ ما كان عم بصور شي


0043: (M) TC: 00:06:50:02-00:06:56:23

و هي سقف المطبع وقعان

(Anon): مقصوف مو وقعان


0044: (M) TC: 00:07:03:21-00:07:08:03

و هي البرندة كلها رايحة

وقعانين الحياطان


0045: (M) TC: 00:07:12:22-00:07:16:16

... مخلوع  الأخرى


0046: (M) TC: 00:07:21:02-00:07:26:23

أما هذه الغرفة, فهي طايرة و رايحة


0047: (M) TC: 00:07:27:09-00:07:33:06

غرفة الأولاد رايحة, الحيطان كلها رايحة


0048: (M) TC: 00:07:40:07-00:07:43:06

و هي غرفة الأولاد و هي شناتيهم


0049: (M) TC: 00:07:45:17-00:07:47:17

و هذا هو المنزل الأن


0050: (S) TC: 00:07:51:08-00:07:57:13

انا مع اخواتي بنستنا فيها و بنتصل فيها بس تلفونها مغلق


0051: (M) TC: 00:08:01:15- 00:08:16:01

When I come out, I find big car. My neighbour with me at that time. Believe me, when I see them, I begin crying because their beards, their - this like (hand gesture) – black one.


0052: (M) TC: 00:08:18:14-00:08:31:07

And he told me: “we need your sister’s husband.” This made me very afraid. They talk with someone on walkie-talkie. And he tell him: “Send her to prison.”


0053: (M) TC: 00:08:32:07-00:08:40:19

My neighbour became very angry, and he called his friends to come. And he tells me: “go with these friends”. And he helped me to escape.


0054: (M) TC: 00:08:43:09-00:08:55:03

These criminal, bad people, they become very angry, and they want to take revenge. I came back to Damascus, but – at that time – I am destroyed.


0055: (M) TC: 00:08:57:09-00:09:09:12

I think that these bad people live far away. And that they will not know where I am living. Because I escaped from them… Until one day, they send to me where I am living with my kids.


Message on mobile-screen: TC: 00:09:04:11-00:09:19:15

[”I know where your home is. You live in al-Mazzeh above the library"]


0056: (M) TC: 00:09:15:17-00:09:24:13

And they tell me: “if you will not participate with us, then we will kill you… and we will kill your kids.”


0057: (M) TC: 00:09:28:19-00:09:31:12

Something suddenly changed all my life.


0058: (S) TC: 00:09:32:18-00:09:35:16

حكيت الوضع صار خطر


0059: (S) TC: 00:09:39:12-00:09:45:20

, فأنا بفضل اني اطلع لبرة سافر أحسن إلي و لإلكن


0060: (M) TC: 00:09:49:06-00:09:54:19

I tell my children (that) I’m going to find some good future for them.


0061: (J) TC: 00:09:57:14-00:10:01:03

انو بس نيجي راح ننبسط و المدرسة حلوة و هيك


0062: (M) TC: 00:10:02:04-00:10:08:00

And they tell me: “yes, mom, you can go.” And they encourage me to go to Europe.


0063: (S) TC: 00:10:09:05-00:10:11:16

هي إنجبرت لتطلع


0064: (M) TC: 00:10:18:13-00:10:37:08

I wake up 4 o’clock in the morning, and usually my son sleeps on my hand. He (did) wake up, and he started to catch me. He doesn’t want me to leave. And he started to follow me… They don’t want me to go…


0065: (K) TC: 00:10:51:06-00:10:53:10

ماما سافرت بس ما بعرف بأي سنة


0066: (M) TC: 00:11:02:05-00:11:10:09

All the way to Turkey, I am crying. Because I leave my kids. But the journey is too dangerous for them.


0067: (M) TC: 00:11:20:05-00:11:27:17

In Turkey, I find this smuggler waiting for me, and the first question he asks me about; (was) the money.


0068: (M) TC: 00:11:33:05-00:11:45:24

And then we are in small boat. From this small boat to big ship, there is rope. And we must catch this rope, and somebody, like, (hand gestures) took us.


0069: (M) TC: 00:11:50:10-00:12:03:11

When I enter, I feel (like) I can’t breathe. I want to throw up, but I fell down. I don’t recognize anything around me.


0070: (M) TC: 00:12:08:08-00:12:24:17

And then, I hear the people say: “we are now in Italy.” And I go outside. All the people are happy. But I have mixed emotion(s). Because I don’t know the future of my kids.


0071: (M) TC: 00:12:28:16-00:12:34:04

Now I enter in details, and I feel all my body – I don’t want to remember.


0072: (M) TC: 00:12:42:23-00:13:07:17

I asked people, tell me, “where is the train station?”, and I continue my way. I go to Milano. I see all the people gathering around big tree, and they write their wishes. I ask for a piece of paper, and I write “I wish to see my kids again”, and I put this paper under the tree.


0073: (M) TC: 00:13:09:00-00:13:29:17

From Milano I take a train to Hamburg. And in Hamburg I take bus, and I go to Copenhagen. I go to police station, and I tell him, like, I am from Syria, and the first word(s) they tell me: “Welcome in Denmark”. This makes me… Yes, thank you very much.


0074: (S) TC: 00:13:49:02-00:13:57:16

هي مو معنا, و قضيت وقت طويل وانا دير بالي على أخي و على أختي


0075: (M) TC: 00:13:59:10-00:14:07:02

I explain to my kids: “after the interview, then direct, they will help you. “Just mum, when is your interview?”.


0076: (S) TC: 00:14:08:20-00:14:19:13

قلها إنو إستنو يمكن هاد الشهر يمكن الشهر الجاي


0077: (M) TC: 00:14:22:11-00:14:37:04

I need to become busy. I need to do something useful until my kids come to me. I work as a volunteer, I helped the Red Cross in translation, I help in job center.                                                                

0078: (S) TC: 00:14:39:19-00:14:47:01

كانت فترة طويلة بالنسبة الي, ما حد بقدر يغطي وجودي


0079: (M) TC: 00:14:50:08-00:15:07:02

At that time, there is a rocket explosion inside the school of my daughter. Many friends of her died. So they stopped to go to school. They just talk to me, waiting (for) something to change their lives.


0080: (S) TC: 00:15:08:22-00:15:13:19

و مسؤولية كبيرة كتير يلي حملتها


0081: (S) TC: 00:15:19:05-00:15:28:16

أصعب مرحلة بحياتي

أنا صغيرة و أخواتي صغار


0082: (M) TC: 00:15:27:19-00:15:36:21

I’m just waiting (for) my interview. And they give me interview after three months.


0083: (M) TC: 00:15:42:14-00:15:59:19

The problem (was) that before my interview, I am waiting a long time. They tell me “we are so busy”. And they postpone my interview to another two months. As if they don’t know that I’m human, I’m (a) mother. My kids are waiting (for) me, and I need to save them.


0084: (M) TC: 00:16:04:04-00:16:12:03

Finally, I make my interview. They tell me, “we will give you answer in one month. Maximum”.


0085: (S) TC: 00:16:13:15-00:16:18:19

أجاني تهديد على موبايلي


0086: (M) TC: 00:16:18:21-00:16:21:22

The same who threatened me, he started to call my daughter.


0087: (S) TC: 00:16:22:02-00:16:29:02

فأنا اكتر من مرة سألتو عن هويتو

ما جاوب و هدد

هدد بالخطف, بالقتل


0088: (M) TC: 00:16:29:18-00:16:33:13

He talked with Sara, but he threatened my son.


0089: (S) TC: 00:16:33:24-00:16:40:06

بهديك اللحظة عرفت الشي يلي سافرت هي بسببو


0090: (M) TC: 00:16:41:19-00:16:48:20

Here in Denmark, they tell me, “one month maximum”. And I’m waiting and waiting. Maybe six months, and nothing…


0091: (M) TC: 00:16:53:08-00:17:24:09

Until they give me other appointment for second interview. She asked me the same question(s). And I answered the same. And I started to tell her, “please, give me any answer, because my kids (are) waiting (for) me. I promised my kids, after three months, four months maximum, to give me answer. After like one week, they gave me my paper. “Temporary protection.” But I know (that) this paragraph means that I cannot do family reunification.


0092: (M) TC: 00:17:31:24-00:17:46:24

My kids don’t understand what the meaning of “temporary protection” (is). They came and asked me, “what is the meaing?”. I can’t explain this to my son, he’s 8 years-old: “because you are from Syria, you can’t come legal way”.


0093: (K) TC: 00:17:50:08-00:17:53:02

المشكلة ما بقدر أشرح لأني ما بتذكر

لأ مافي لم شمل


0094: (S) TC: 00:17:55:05-00:17:56:23

    شمل  لم مافي لاء


0095: (M) TC: 00:18:00:11-00:18:09:12

They are destroyed. Destroyed completely psychologically. They don’t know what has happened. I have decided that I need to save my kids.


0096: (K) TC: 00:18:11:00-00:18:14:08

ما عم بفهم ليش انا هناك


0097: (M) TC: 00:18:15:13-00:18:18:21

So, I asked my kids to escape.


0098: (S + J + K) TC: 00:18:35:21-00:18:49:00

حاولنا قد مافينا نكون سريعين

أخدت شنتاية صغيرة حطيت فيها الرسمات ورجيهن لماما

ما جبت معي ولا شي بس دبدوبي


0099: (M) TC: 00:18:51:00-00:19:01:23

They go from Damascus to Lebanon, and they take the plane to Istanbul, and in Istanbul they find the same smuggler who helped me.


0100: (S) TC: 00:19:04:19-00:19:07:13

 مرّه من أكتر   معها أحكي إني حاولت


0101: (M) TC: 00:19:09:00-00:19:13:17

Every day we talked. “Mom, now we are now here.” “Mom, we are now in the hotel.”


0102: (J) TC: 00:19:14:06-00:19:17:19

كنت بدي فرجيهن لماما لما رسمتهن هي ما كانت موجودة


0103: (J) TC: 00:19:23:23-00:19:26:04

"كتير حننبسط" حكتلنا هي


0104: (S) TC: 00:19:27:17-00:19:30:21

كمان سمعنا انو في حالات غرق كتير


0105: (S) TC: 00:19:32:18-00:19:36:23

مع ذالك حاولنا

نجتازها و نوصل


0106: (J) TC: 00:19:42:12-00:19:46:15

الرسمات تبعاتي حطيتهن بكيس بلاستيك علشان ما ينبلوا


0107: (K) TC: 00:19:53:08-00:20:05:02

وقت ما اجينا نروح بالقارب لليونان

القارب كان فيو اكتر من واحد و صغير


0108: (M) TC: 00:20:09:02-00:20:13:07

Every time they send to me to me their location. “Mom, we are here.” “Mom, we are here.”


0109: (K + S) TC: 00:20:14:01-00:20:21:00

كل الأشخاص كانو بحالة هلع


0110: (M) TC: 00:20:24:17-00:20:39:01

Suddenly, I lost the connection. I don’t know what happens. Like one hour, two, three, four. I am a mother and I feel that something happened to them.


0111: (S + J) TC: 00:20:49:20- 00:20:53:15

في المحاولة الأولى غرقنا



0112: (J) TC: 00:20:59:01-00:21:04:23

مسكت بس الرسمات بأيدي و كبيت الشنتق

ماسكتهم بأيدي وما بدي اياهم يوقعو

كنت بدي فرجيهم لماما


0113: (S + J) TC: 00:21:06:07-00:21:19:15

و ناس عم تصرخ بشكل فظيع

عم نغرق و في عالم كتير عم تموت

ما كنت منتبهة على حد بس كنت منتبهة على اهلي اكتر شي


0114: (S) TC: 00:21:27:12-00:21:32:00

وهون ساعتين في البحر يعني مافي امل حد يضل عايش


0115: (M) TC: 00:21:35:12-00:21:40:20

I.. I… I don’t know if it’s good, like, to remember, or….


0116: (M) TC: 00:21:46:23-00:21:51:09

It’s one day, two, three, four. I don’t have any information.


0117: (M) TC: 00:21:54:07-00:22:04:23

It’s my fault. I told them to escape. The Red Cross in Turkey and Greece, start to send to me photos of dead people.


0118: (M) TC: 00:22:11:11-00:22:25:13

Maybe my kids are with them. I can’t find any words for the anguish, I felt. Total depression. All these people; dead.


0119: (M) TC: 00:22:27:12-00:22:38:04

I forget if I eat or no. If I drink or not. I lose my weight. (I) become very miserable. Mad woman. I don’t know.


0120: (M) TC: 00:22:40:06-00:22:47:24

Sure, I will not continue my life. Because I don’t know if my kids is alive, or if they died.


0121: (M) TC: 00:22:52:21-00:23:00:00

At that time, I communicated with the press, with, everytime the mobile, with my hand. Just like to know, “where is my kids?”


0122: (M) TC: 00:23:01:08-00:23:15:09

And then, this one picture appeared. There is a boy. It seems like my son, Karam. The same colour of skin and brown curly hair. But he is dead.


0123: (S) TC: 00:23:19:23-00:23:29:18

الناس يلي كانو معنا كانو اطفال صغار, اطفال ما بتتجاوز اعمارهم الأربعين يوم, توفو للأسف


0124: (K) TC: 00:23:36:15-00:23:42:12

غرقنا, بس من حظنا اجت سفينة صيد سمك و طلعتنا على السفينة


0125: (J) TC: 00:23:43:05-00:23:49:08

كتير كانت البارجة عالية و صعب نطلع بس طلعنا الحمد الله


0126: (S + J) TC: 00:23:50:11-00:23:58:12

إنحبسنا لثمانية ايام في تركيا

ما كنا نقدر ننام كان بقرف اكلنا


0127: (M) TC: 00:24:00:24-00:24:21:04

Until, after like 9 days, I received message. “Yes, your daughter Sara give me your Facebook name.” And she told me to tell you that fisherman find them, saving them. All of them (a)live. Yes, all of them alive!


0128: (M) TC: 00:24:25:00-00:24:34:10

I tell you my feeling – as a mother – that lost 10 days, I don’t know - and suddenly - I find hope. I find my kids again.


0129: (M) TC: 00:24:38:17-00:24:50:02

But how to get my kids to safety? The only thing I can do, is to contact the smuggler again. I must ask my children to try again.


0130: (S) TC: 00:24:57:23-00:25:04:17

الرحلة جدا متعبة و فيها خوف من الفشل مرة تانية


0131: (M) TC: 00:25:05:12-00:25:10:10

So… Next time, they try again.


0132: (S) TC: 00:25:15:10-00:25:26:23

بس اجتزناها و وصلنا على اليونان

و اجتزنا مقدونيا,صربيا,سلوفينيا,كرواتيا, النمسا


0133: (S) TC: 00:25:31:20-00:25:35:21

بعد ما وصلت على الدنمارك احتجزونا


0134: (M) TC: 00:25:36:19-00:25:41:01

I go to police, and she told me, “they will reach in one hour”.


0135: (K + J) TC: 00:25:42:12-00:25:53:14

ضلينا نطلع من الشباك

اول حدا شافها هو كرم

قلتلها شوفي ماما

و اول ما فاتت ماما, ماما ماما


0136: (M) TC: 00:25:53:16-00:26:01:24

“Mama! Mama! This is my mama.” He is like, (gestures) hug me, and kiss me, and… And Sara and Joudi, (I) took them.


0137: (S) TC: 00:26:10:19-00:26:19:12

منا مبسوطين جدا, مو بسبب وصولنا على الدنمارك بس لانو شفناها, و اخيرا يعني


0138: (J) TC: 00:26:20:22-00:26:34:19

وقت شفت ماما كتير انبسطت

عانقتها و عم نطلع ببعض و نضحك, انو شفتك بالأخير, عم بقدر احكي معك


0139: (M) TC: 00:26:36:05-00:26:37:06



0140 (J) TC: 00:26:38:09-00:26:49:15

ماما بتعنيلي كلشي بحياتيو امي رفيقتي اختي, كلشي, كتير بحبها و متعلقة فيها, يعني امي هي قدوتي بالحياة


0141: (M) TC: 00:26:51:07-00:26:57:06

Believe me, my son. He wake(s) up in the night, “Mom! You are, like.” I tell him, “yes, I’m with you.  I’m with you.”


0142: (M) TC: 00:27:15:17-00:27:17:15

شو اسمها الجزرة بالدنماركي؟


0143: (S) TC: 00:27:18:04-00:27:19:04



0144: (S) TC: 00:27:21:05-00:27:24:00

- Hvad spiser kaninen?

- Kanin.


0145: (K + S) TC: 00:27:25:22-00:27:27:21

K: Gulerod.

S: Gulerod!


0146: (M) TC: 00:27:28:06-00:27:29:08

لقاها  والله إيه


0147: (S) TC: 00:27:30:04-00:27:32:13

 "Genius " ياه يخليلك الله


0148: (M) TC: 00:27:32:20-00:27:36:13

خلصت الصفحة؟

اقلبها على التانية


0149: (K) TC: 00:27:41:16-00:27:51:19

بعد ما وصلت ماما على الدنمارك بعدين نحنا لحقناها و هاد يلي بتزكرو

ما بدنا نروح هلا على البيت؟


<end of film>








<beginning of film>
















0005 (K): TC:

Once we went on a journey to the sea -

and I even took my Teddy Bear with me.


0006: (S) TC: 00:01:43:16-00:01:50:16

The best days of my life I spent in Syria by the sea.


0007: (K) TC: 00:01:55:21-00:02:00:02

My favourite memory is when my mother bought me a beachtoy.


0008: (J) TC: 00:02:01:04-00:02:06:02

At night, sitting by the sea. The sky looks fantastic. 


0009: (J) TC: 00:02:07:14-00:02:10:08

The smell of the sea is so beautiful.


0010: (S) TC: 00:02:11:08-00:02:14:03

I totally adore it.





0012: (S) TC: 00:02:28:02-00:02:30:22

Frankly, I love this house so much.


0013: (J) TC: 00:02:34:10-00:02:37:19

I love my Barbie dolls the most.


0014: (K) TC: 00:02:41:13-00:02:44:08

We used to play hide and seek at home.


0015: (J) TC: 00:02:48:23-00:02:54:10

We had our small turtle. It was living on the balcony.



0016: (K) TC: 00:02:54:11-00:03:00:07

Yes, our lovely pet, Zaizafoni.


0017: (S) TC: 00:03:02:14-00:03:07:24

Until now, life is comfortable and I am happy.











0020: (S) TC: 00:03:44:21-00:03:48:08

Suddenly, an expolsion happened.






0022: (S) TC: 00:03:56:06-00:04:02:01

Because of the pressure from the explosion –

Suddenly now, the window came out.





0024: (K) TC: 00:04:08:06-00:04:10:18

I don’t remember anything.







0026: (S) TC: 00:04:20:04-00:04:26:02

I saw events in the news, but the events that I witnessed were much more terrifying.


0027: (J) TC: 00:04:27:07-00:04:29:14

What happened was really not nice at all.






0029: (K) TC: 00:04:46:08-00:04:51:05

I remember something – we took our turtle, Zaizafoni, with us.







0031: (S) TC: 00:05:11:14-00:05:14:07

It was so ugly, so bad.





0033: (J) TC: 00:05:23:18-00:05:25:18

It was so disgusting.










0036: (J) TC: 00:05:44:08-00:05:46:14

My Barbies are still back home.


0037: (S) TC: 00:05:48:04-00:05:53:11

We were hoping the war would end soon, so we could go back home.


0038: (J) TC: 00:05:56:03-00:05:57:22

Hopefully… I would be so happy.


0039: (S) TC: 00:06:01:12-00:06:02:24

But… That didn’t happen.






0041: (M) TC: 00:06:32:22- 00:06:37:15

This is our front door… This is the entrance.


0042: (M) TC: 00:06:39:12-00:06:42:15

Is it filming? Oh, I was not.


0043: (M) TC: 00:06:50:02-00:06:56:23

This is the kitchen ceiling.

It has fallen down. (Anon): it has been bombed, not fallen.


0044: (M) TC: 00:07:03:21-00:07:08:03

This is the balcony… Completely destroyed.


0045: (M) TC: 00:07:12:22-00:07:16:16

The next room… Smashed.


0046: (M) TC: 00:07:21:02-00:07:26:23

What happened here? The whole room is gone here. Devastated.


0047: (M) TC: 00:07:27:09-00:07:33:06

The kid’s room is completely destroyed.

The ceiling is destroyed. The walls are gone.


0048: (M) TC: 00:07:45:17-00:07:47:17

This was the kid’s bedroom.

These were their schoolbags.


0049: (M) TC: 00:07:47:01-00:07:49:03

This is how our house looks now.


0050: (S) TC: 00:07:51:08-00:07:57:13

We were waiting for her. We were calling her. But her phone was dead.




































0058: (S) TC: 00:09:32:18-00:09:35:16

She just said: “the situation is dangerous.”


0059: (S) TC: 00:09:39:12-00:09:45:20

She said: “I prefer to leave. It is safer for all of us.”






0061: (J) TC: 00:09:57:14-00:10:01:03

“We will be happy there. The schools are nice.”






0063: (S) TC: 00:10:09:05-00:10:11:16

Well, she was forced to leave…








0065: (K) TC: 00:10:51:06-00:10:53:10

Mom left, but I can’t remember when it was…












































0074: (S) TC: 00:13:49:02-00:13:57:16

I was getting very unhappy, that she wasn’t with us. It was a long time without her… In the meantime, I had to take care of my siblings.




0076: (S) TC: 00:14:08:20-00:14:19:13

She said, “Just wait. It might be this month or the next one.“ But she didn’t know, she had no idea.






0078: (S) TC: 00:14:39:19-00:14:47:01

But it was becoming a very long period for me, and no one can cover her absence.







0080: (S) TC: 00:15:08:22-00:15:13:19

The responsibility on me was huge… For sure.


0081: (S) TC: 00:15:19:05-00:15:28:16

It was the hardest part of my life… Because I’m young, and my siblings are even younger.

















0085: (S) TC: 00:16:13:15-00:16:18:19

At the same time – I started getting phone calls with threats.





0087: (S) TC: 00:16:22:02-00:16:29:02

I asked several times who he was. He didn’t answer but threatened me. Threatened with kidnapping and killing.






0089: (S) TC: 00:16:33:24-00:16:40:06

It was then I realized why she had left.

























0093: (K) TC: 00:17:50:08-00:17:53:02

I can’t explain. Because I’ve forgotten everything…


0094: (S) TC: 00:17:55:05-00:17:56:23

No, no family reunification.








0096: (K) TC: 00:18:11:00-00:18:14:08

My brain doesn’t understand why I’m there.





0098: (S + J + K) TC: 00:18:35:21-00:18:49:00

S: We tried our best to be quick.

J: I only took a small bag with my drawings – to show them to mom.

K: I remember I brought nothing – only my Teddy Bear.






0100: (S) TC: 00:19:04:19-00:19:07:13

I talked with her several times.






0102: (J) TC: 00:19:14:06-00:19:17:19

I wanted her to see my drawings. When I drew them, she wasn’t there.


0103: (J) TC: 00:19:23:23-00:19:26:04

“You will be happy”, she repeated.


0104: (S) TC: 00:19:27:17-00:19:30:21

But we had also heard about many drowning accidents.


0105: (S) TC: 00:19:32:18-00:19:36:23

Despite the risk… We wanted to cross and get there.


0106: (J) TC: 00:19:42:12-00:19:46:15

My drawings – I kept them in a plastic bag, so that they wouldn’t get wet.


0107: (K) TC: 00:19:53:08-00:20:05:02

We took a boat to Greece. There were so many people in the boat, and it was such a small boat.





0109: (K + S) TC: 00:20:14:01-00:20:21:00

K: Then the waves were as high as me.

S: People were terrified and started panicking.






0111: (S + J) TC: 00:20:40:20- 00:20:45:08

S: In the first attempt, we capsized.

J: We sank.


0112: (J) TC: 00:20:59:01-00:21:04:23

I only kept the drawings, and threw my bag away. I didn’t want them to get lost. They’re for me mom.


0113: (S + J) TC: 00:21:06:07-00:21:19:15

S: People were screaming horribly.

J: We are sinking, and people around us are dying. But I was only focused on my siblings.


0114: (S) TC: 00:21:27:12-00:21:32:00

After two hours in the sea, there was no hope for anyone to stay alive.





































0123: (S) TC: 00:23:19:23-00:23:29:18

Among us, there were infants, some of them were not even a month old… Sadly, they died…


0124: (K) TC: 00:23:36:15-00:23:42:12

We capsized. But lucky us. A fishing boat rescued us and took us to a big ship.


0125: (J) TC: 00:23:43:05-00:23:49:08

It was a high warship, hard to climb. But eventually, we made it.


0126: (S + J) TC: 00:23:50:11-00:23:58:12

S: Then they imprisoned us for 8 days in Turkey.

J: We couldn’t sleep and got no food.
















0130: (S) TC: 00:24:57:23-00:25:04:17

The trip was exhausting. Extremely scary. We feared drowning again.




0132: (S) TC: 00:25:15:10-00:25:26:23

We succeeded and arrived in Greece. We passed Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Austria.


0133: (S) TC: 00:25:31:20-00:25:35:21

After arriving in Denmark, we were detained.






0135: (K + J) TC: 00:25:42:12-00:25:53:14

K: We kept looking out the window.

J: Karam was the first to see her.

K: I told Joudi, look, it’s mom! And then she entered, I shouted, “Mom!. Mom!”.






0137: (S) TC: 00:26:10:19-00:26:19:12

We were so happy. Not because we arrived in Denmark, but because we found her. Finally!


0138: (J + S) TC: 00:26:20:22-00:26:34:19

J: I was so happy when I met my mom. We hugged and cried.

S: We were looking into eachother’s eyes. We were laughing, together. “Finally, I see you. I can talk to you.”



0140 (J) TC: 00:26:38:09-00:26:49:15

Mom means everything in my life. She is my mom, my friend, my sister. I love her so much, she means everything to me. She’s my role model.







0142: (M) TC: 00:27:15:17-00:27:17:15

How do you say “carrot” in Danish?


0143: (S) TC: 00:27:18:04-00:27:19:04



0144: (S) TC: 00:27:21:05-00:27:24:00

- What does the rabbit eat?

- Rabbit.


0145: (K + S) TC: 00:27:25:22-00:27:27:21

K: Carrot.

S: (Yes), carrot!


0146: (M) TC: 00:27:18:12-00:27:18:11

You found it!


0147: (S) TC: 00:27:30:04-00:27:32:13

May God protect him. A “genius”.


0148: (M) TC: 00:27:32:20-00:27:36:13

Finished already? Now the next page.


0149: (K) TC: 00:27:41:16-00:27:51:19

After mom came to Denmark, we followed her. That’s all that I remember. But when are we going home?


<end of film>





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