The Antechamber of Hell


A Documentary Film by Richard Wolf




Colour codes:


·         Burgundy:  Timecode

·         Light Blue:  Character Generator/Titles

·         Bold Black:  Narration

·         Red: Female Voice

·         Green:  Male Voice




Images                                                                         Audio




In the bosom of winter                        Music, typewriter sound.

I discovered within myself

an invincible summer.

                  Albert Camus


Rice fields                                            Nat sound, music


00:00:26:00                                          The placid rice fields of Myanmar and Bangladesh                                                     are silent witnesses to one of the largest                                                                            humanitarian crises of our century. 


00:00:40:00                                 The tranquil rural landscape was suddenly

Exodus (drone), burning                      overwhelmed by thousands of Rohingya people, a                                                      Muslim ethnic minority from Myanmar. They were                                                   terrorized by the military. Their villages were                                                          burned. The men were shot and the women                                                                   systematically raped.


Raped Woman                         I was living together with my husband along with four                                                                       sons and one daughter. My husband was a wood cutter.                                                                       The Myanmar military came and killed my husband and                                                                     four sons by firing on them. After that they decapitated                                                                       them and burned the house.

                                                            I and my daughter ran and hid inside a canal. But the                                                              military enclosed us from all sides. They killed all males                                                                       by firing and decapitating. Later on, they made a hole                                                             and military dragged the dead bodies into it by holding                                                                  their legs.

                                                            After that they made fire with sake and petrol oil. They                                                                      took my 3-year old baby from me and threw him in the                                                                      fire. After throwing him they compelled us to sit down.

                                                            Then they grouped us in five-six people and brought us                                                                       into a room. They asked me to give money and gold.                                                               They took our money and gold. They ripped my clothes,                                                                     made me naked and raped me in front of my daughter.                                                                        My daughter was crying seeing my condition. Seeing her                                                               screaming, they hit her on head.

                                                            When I was wincing they hit me on my head. They broke                                                                   my hands and legs and fastened me. They burned the                                                              house by bombing.

                                                            Most of my body parts were burned which I can not show                                                                   you. My hands and legs have been burned.

                                                            I was weltering inside the house for not tolerating the                                                             burning in my body. My daughter told me that I was                                                               burning. After that we plunged into a pond.

                                                            In the evening we crawled through the rice fields to the                                                                      jungle and were there for four days without food.

                                                            I had no clothes on my body.



Refugees walking (drone)                    A mass exodus of over one million people ensued.                                                     Most were farmers living in small rural villages. In

Man in forest                                deep shock and fleeing with almost no possessions,                                                    they made a perilous journey on foot to Bangladesh.


Military beating people            Natural sound

CG: Meanwhile in Myanmar...


00:04:43:00   Man                                The Myanmar military beat nearly fifty people in my                                                              village with iron sticks. They did not care who is whose                                                                      father, who is whose brother. They beat everyone                                                                               regardless of anything. They brought me and my two                                                              brothers into a room and asked us to tell the truth if we                                                                    have any arms. We told them that we live by hard work                                                                    and why we should have arms. They said we were lying                                                                    and then around fifteen soldiers kicked us with boots.

                                                            After twenty minutes I was senseless and could not tell

CG: Satellite images of burned anything. After that they hit us with knives and tried to Rohingya villages                              cut down our body parts. They beat the three of us and                                                                       imprisoned others in a state of half-dead. Among them                                                                        some were dead and some were alive.


Man cont.                                     After that the local chairman told the soldiers to let us go                                                                    for the night and he would hand over all of us to them for                                                                   killing the next day. That night we fled away to                                                                                   Bangladesh with all the people of our area.


00:06:03:00   Forest                              The virgin forest in Kutupalong was decimated to                                                      become the largest refugee camp in the world.

00:06:20:00  GVs camp, huts    Here one million people live crammed in improvised                                                 windowless huts and endure temperatures of 45                                                        degrees Celsius and humidity over 90 percent.                                                                    Drenching in sweat, they survive mostly on meager                                                   humanitarian aid and don't know if and when they                                                    will be able to return home.


00:06:44:00                                 Kutupalong is the antechamber of hell, a cauldron                                                     of deeply distressed people with no future                                                               perspectives.


Plant on top of tent                             Can hope survive the trauma?


00:07:26:00  Teenager              I didn't know that the war had begun. I woke up in the                                                                       morning and saw that our neighbours' houses were burning.                                                   I saw the military entering our area. We tried to flee away                                                                  through the rice field. They fired on us from the back.                                                             They shot me on the shoulder.



Pregnant woman raped             I was in my house and three soldiers came. They tortured                                                                    and raped me. I had given birth to a child the day before I                                                                   was raped. I did not know where my husband and children                                                     went. They tortured me a lot so my uterus came out.

                                                            They tortured me a lot and after being raped by three people                                                   another three military tortured me. I was confused whether to                                                            think about my child or about me. After coming here without                                                 my husband I am getting food items once a month. I am                                                                living by eating this. I am suffering a lot. I can not hold a                                                                   pitcher nor can cough because of physical problem. I am                                                             living with my child and nephew.

                                                            They tortured me a lot and pushed me with bayonet so that I                                                  can not live normal life. I have sot on my legs and other                                                                      parts. I am facing difficulty in eating and drinking.

                                                            I feel pain in my body. I am facing problem raising my child                                                   and I also don’t have a husband.


00:09:17:00  Huts                           Lingering day after day in their minuscule huts                                                                  under the oppressive heat, the refugees are torn                                                        between depression and anger.


Raped woman (suicide)                 After being raped, I wished to kill myself. I also felt very                                                                     ashamed and did not want to show my face to anyone.                                                                        I wished to enter inside the earth.


Man with one leg                                I can not go on because I have only one leg. What did we do                                                   to them? I did not do anything but they butchered us. They                                                    displaced us. If we get them, we will do the same.



Woman raped revenge            I want to kill  the military. I want to do everything to them                                                                 exactly how they did with us. I also want to kill them that                                                                   way.


00:10:22:00  Man poison                      My only wish is that we regain our dignity and citizenship.                                                                 After that we will go back to Myanmar. If the world cannot                                                                make this happen, it is better for us to drink poison and die                                                     here.


00:10:35:00  Woman raped tent           I have no belief in love and life.


00:10:39:00   Woman burned               What kind of dream can I have? I have nothing left.



00:10:46:00   Ambulance                      The physical and psychological pain runs deep among                                                           the refugees. This man was rushed to the hospital                                                      because of excruciating pain due to the injuries he                                                     suffered from the Myanmar military.


00:11:08:00   Interview doctor As a doctor I have one motive which is to stand beside the                                                      sick people and to heal them with good treatment. This is my                                                  objective. I believe man is for man. There is no difference to a                                                 doctor which country, which nation or religion a patient has.                                                           We are working with a vision to treat sick people.


00:11:47:00   Surgeons             Surgeons are scarce in the camp. A few choose to                                                      donate their time to provide a much needed lifeline to the                                           refugees.


Interview surgeon (no voiceover)        This is my social responsibility. I treat these patients out of CG subtitles (his English is bad) humanity. These are socially rewarding surgeries. Today I do                                                   the cleft surgeries. The patients are suffering with cleft lip                                                             and cleft palate. This is a socially, physically and mentally                                                                disabling condition.

                                                            After the operation there is a miracle of change.                                                                                  They can smile well. The Nobel laureate Mother Theresa said                                                  "Peace begins with a smile". That's why I do these surgeries.



00:12:51:00  Baby delivery                   Field hospitals are scarce and patients continue to                                                      arrive. A mother in a feeble state about to give birth                                                  arrives by rickshaw at one of the few women hospitals in                                            the camp. The midwives take her quickly to the delivery                                                room. The wait is not long. Soon a beautiful baby is born.                             

00:13:47:00   Midwife                          When I see a newly born child, I go back to my past life when                                                            I was born. I feel a lot of joy by seeing this baby. It touches                                                      my heart. I feel my mother very much that time. When I see a                                                            mother with her child, I also become delighted.


00:14:14:00                                 But the joy of the midwives is not always shared by the                                               mothers. Children here are often unwanted either due to                                             economic hardship or because they are the off spring                                                  of rape.


Raped woman who gave birth Before they raped me I had menstruation but later on I did                                                      not have menstruation. Also in the meantime I did not meet                                                   with my husband.  My husband told me that I have not met                                                            with you but you were raped by military. So the baby inside                                                       you is not my baby.

                                                            My daughter told her father about the occurrence. Then my                                                    husband didn’t want to receive me and wanted to divorce                                                                   me. I could not bear the torture of my husband and I went to                                                  hospital for abortion. The nurse asked me how many children                                                 do I have and I told her I have two children. Then she told me                                                          to keep the baby. I told her that one of my children is three                                                           years old and another one is five years old.

                                                            Then we went to another hospital and they gave us medicine                                                  for abortion.                                                   

                                                            I also used amulets but the child has not been aborted.                                                            After that my husband did not talk with me for 6 months.

                                                            He did not come to house. If he came, he just talked with my                                                  other two children and after that we went out.

                                                            After six months he started to talk with me and started to                                                                    come to the house. When I gave birth he did nothing and my                                                 neighbors brought a midwife. After that the child was born.                                                  After child birth my husband did not feed me well. He did not                                                         buy any food and did not let anyone buy food for me.


Interview Dr. Mahmood                      (in English, no need to voiceover)


                                                            No one wants to leave their country to live this life that they                                                  are living. They have been forced to come here. They do not                                                   feel dignified. They do not feel respected. They feel that their                                                 rights to education, rights to citizenship, the right to a normal                                                   livelihood have been taken away. So they are living in a very                                                         very bad condition. I feel they should receive support from us                                                            so they feel like human beings, they feel their dignity, they                                                                feel they can claim their dignity back, their honor back and                                                             hopefully they can go back to their homeland where they                                                                   came from and start their lives back again.


00:17:19:00    Camp Images                  Music


00:18:06:00    Shop                               The precarious situation of the refugees often forces                                                   them to take painful pragmatic decisions to survive. After                                            discussing the matter with his wife, Ziabur decided to                                                          sell her gold and jewelry in order to raise capital to open                                        a shop in the camp, so that with the income of the                                                          business he can feed his family.                                                                                      Resilience comes at a price.


Interview shop keeper             I sell snacks in my shop. I also sell betel leaf. In the                                                                  morning I bring items by car and in the evening I pay                                                             the money. I don’t have that much profit in my shop.                                                                    I give the profit to the wholesaler and they give a                                                                               portion to me. Wholesalers give me product and I pay                                                                     them after selling.

                                                            We can eat half a pound of fish per day with the                                                                                  income of this shop. I earn about eight dollars a day.


00:19:11:00  Boys in market                 Natural sound.


00:19:24:00   Ice cream boy                  Refugee children are also savvy to spot opportunities to                                               earn some money. Saidul sells ice cream, which is avidly                                              sought after by the neighborhood kids.


00:19:35:00   Kite flying                       Meanwhile, kite flying remains the preferred leisure                                                  activity in the camp.


00:19:46:00   Water well                      Water wells are in high demand both to fetch water and                                             for an improvised shower.


00:20:09:00    Teacher, school  Temperatures inside the refugee huts reach forty eight                                               degrees Celsius. But this does not deter Fatteen from                                                  preparing the daily lessons for his pupils. Taught by his                                               father in Myanmar, he decided to open an improvised                                                  school to give the refugee kids a future. Every day he                                                     teaches 240 students. The school, simple and with no                                                    chairs, is also a safe haven for children, where they can                                                 transcend their sorrows and build hope for the future.


00:21:23:00    Interview teacher           My father was the imam of a mosque. The Myanmar military                                                  killed him inside the mosque while he was praying.                                                                             Everybody here knows about that. They killed many people                                                    in prayer like my father. They did not let us perform prayer,                                                       and we were not able to maintain our own religion.


00:22:14:00    Interview teacher           Education is a very important part of human life. No one can                                                  survive without education. People can not know even                                                             themselves without education. God helped us to be                                                                  educated and my parents raised me and gave me education.                                                  I want to teach these children as my parents taught me. As a                                                            result they can go forward in life. I wish they will also teach                                                         their children like I am teaching them.


00:22:59:00                                          An educated person can identify which way is right or wrong.                                                            But an uneducated person can not identify right or wrong.                                                                  By studying people can go beyond. They can do many things                                                   after taking education. So that's why I chose the teaching                                                                    profession.


00:23:22:00    Children smiling Nietzsche said: "that which does not kill us makes                                                     us stronger." Extraordinarily resilient, the Rohingya                                                   refugees dare to engage in the most formidable of                                                      the human endeavours: to dream.



00:23:39:00   Interview teacher A person can not live without a dream. If I lose something, it                                                  always comes to my mind. Because it was my own thing.

                                                            So I hope my country will always remain in my heart.


00:23:57:00  Drawing, forest, song       Man sings song.


CG: Rohingya love song


00:24:53:00    CG: Credits


The Antechamber of Hell


A Film by

Richard Wolf



Adrian Snell



Edna Fernandes



Kimberley Ellis

Matthew Cleverly


Director of Photography

Richard Wolf


Local Producers

Muhibul Islam Misba

Afrin Sultana Juli


Thanks to

All Rohingya people who shared their stories

Dr. Iftikher Mahmood

Hope Foundation


Filmed on Location at Kutupalong, Bangladesh

Sony A7iii & DJI Osmo cameras

Filmed only with existing light

Edited on Final Cut Pro X



© 2024 Journeyman Pictures
Journeyman Pictures Ltd. 4-6 High Street, Thames Ditton, Surrey, KT7 0RY, United Kingdom

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