00:00 - computer data on screens of the DNA mapping, stgrings of genes, electronic cell code - 00:36
00:36 - petri dish, machines injecting pipettes of cells into it - 01:01
02:07 - human genome sequencing centre at Washington University, Dr. Waterston Lab - 02:41
03:16 - Celera genomics, Dr. C. Venter Lab - 03:56
03:56 - super computer, largest civilian computer, analysed data decoded on to the internet - 04:50
04:59 - Washington computer lab, mapping, tech men working at speed - 05:31
05:31 - DNA rows, strings - 05:45
05:45 - DNA cut up, cloned, rebuilt map, machine reads each chemical, colour coded and put back - 06:22
06:40 - iv Dr Francis Collins, Human Genome Project
07:58 - USC/Norris Comprehensive Cancer Centre and hospital
08:03 - Dr. French Anderson, father of gene therapy, filling petri dishes with purple liquid, interview - 09:24
10:36 - brain X-rays, colon rectal cancer Tumour patient, colostomy bag - 11:37
11:37 - microscope of gene responsible for growth of cancer cells - 12:59
12:59 - cure for cancer, injectable vector, molecular engineering - 13:55
15:39 - labs of human genome sciences, working out what the genes do, testing protein called 'bliss' - 16:04
16:04 - immunology, HGS isolated 14,000 gene, patents on 8,000, licensing regulations - 17:15
28:39 - tecnicians working, tests - 29:11
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