The Kids' Gambit

Following Australia's child chess prodigy

The Kids' Gambit Chess is the world's fastest growing sport and some kids are making big moves. 10-yer old Yifei travels to the Netherlands, to pit himself against some of the top junior chess-players in the world.
"He has a very natural understanding of the game" says Zong-Yuan Zhao, one of Australia's 12 grandmasters and Yifei's coach. Over half of Australia's grandmasters have overseas heritage, and Yifei's mother testifies to how alternative cultural upbringings can drive success. "Whatever you do, you just wanna get the top" says Yifei's mother. In the Netherlands, the international nature of the chess community highlights global differences in cultural attitudes to the game. "Chess isn't sponsored in Kenya. We have to pay for ourselves to go to international tournaments," says a member of Team Kenya.

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