Blaise Campoure

Blaise Campoure Scenic Zaire and Blaise Campoure footage
00:55 Old footage of village shots

01:26 Independence Day with shots depicting

01:36 armed struggle, handing over/singing ceremony (black & white)

01:40 Guest during the Independence Day ceremony

02:01 Blaise Campoure

02:10 soldiers fighting, war, wounded civilians

02:35 Military procession

02:46 Blaise Campoure sitting, signing agreement

04:14 Various street shots with vendors selling their wares eg.groceries, toiletries

04:36 Shots of Central Bank and currency

05:09 Countryside during war: displaced people carrying their luggage seen to be walking in very long queues.

06:41 GVs of the campsites

07:00 Feeding centres

07:10 Shots of refugees

07:20 Grain distribution

11:48 Soldiers in procession, various shots of Mobutu

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