Deadly Catch

Deadly Catch More than twenty years after the discovery of the AIDS virus, the disease continues to decimate communities right across Africa. But how is it that despite great advances in the prevention and treatment of the disease,
communities like Ndeda Island on Lake Victoria can see their population decline from 6,000 in 1997 to a little over 2,000 today?
One of the reasons is a cultural and business practice employed by the fishing communities around the lake known as the Jaboya system. Women almost universally run the business side of Africa's biggest inland fishing industry, but competition is fierce between these women. Everything rests on the catch and whoever manages to get their hands on it.

Simply put, women who offer sexual favours to the fishermen stand a better chance of getting fish to sell in the markets than those who don't. This creates an exploitative process of procurement that has played straight
into the hands of the virus.

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