Renegade Jewish Settlers

Renegade Jewish Settlers Ranging from plywood shacks to large suburban housing complexes, 300,000 Israeli settlers now occupy outposts along Palestine's West Bank, increasing tension and grinding the two-state solution to a halt.
"Jewish people have been here for 5,000 years. We were given the opportunity to come back," one settler states. Originally a temporary occupation of Palestinian territories, illegal Jewish squatting outposts are on the rise, causing the fragile peace process to grind to a halt. At a thriving "counter-terrorism" shooting range, Jewish settlers can easily get their hands on guns, unlike their Palestinian neighbours. "We've got to be alert: Arabs infiltrate our settlements to steal and get information." As tensions escalate, the stand-off looks unlikely to change. "Settlers have learned that if they squat a site long enough, Israel will give them its approval, its infrastructure and its security."

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