13 films Found
...look at 90's Romania and its attempt to become a membeR of...
A look at 90's Romania and its attempt to become a member of NATO.
...the pictuRes of distuRbed childRen cRowded into unsanitaRy...
Since the pictures of disturbed children crowded into unsanitary orphanages shocked the world, western money has poured into Romanian orphanages. But now a longer term solution is needed.
...the beginning of this centuRy, 700-thousand Saxon GeRmans lived in...
At the beginning of this century, 700-thousand Saxon Germans lived in Transylvanian Romania. But since the revolution 10 years ago, hundreds of thousands have sought a new life in Germany, and their villages are quickly becoming ghost towns.
...stReet kids living undeRgRound in...
Romanian street kids living underground in Bucharest
...DVD sales available foR NoRth AmeRica The CaRpathian Mountains, the...
No DVD sales available for North America The Carpathian Mountains, the wildest part of Europe where bears and wolves still roam, where ancient machines still plough the land and a local fruit brandy is toasted at the ritual pig killing. In a Count's kitchen woman create pastry and bread in surprising ways.
...Romania, witchcRaft is a multi-million dollaR...
In Romania, witchcraft is a multi-million dollar business. TV used to be packed with ads for witches advertising spells. Then the government took the unusual step of banning witchcraft ads on tv.
...stRuggle foR gay Rights in EuRope has been going on...
The struggle for gay rights in Europe has been going on for years but in Romania, it's only just starting. Many Romanians believe homosexuality is a perverted disease and see gay rights as a corrupting Western ideal.
...is paRt of daily life in Romania, with...
Corruption is part of daily life in Romania, with almost half of Romanians admitting to paying bribes. Now the EC is putting increasing pressure on the Romanian government to end bribery.
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