Baby Market

Baby Market As thousands of reports in Spain emerge of doctors having stolen babies from new mothers and sold them into adoption, we follow some of the victims in the search for their biological parents.
German Gallego shows us a photograph of a dead baby. She is frozen, her little limbs twisted as she rests in the freezer, kept so that nurses could produce her to deceive parents into thinking their child was dead. Apparently,"many doctors became very wealthy doing this". It was something they had learned from Franco's social engineering programme and turned into a money-making operation. Many of these doctors are still alive and some may even still be practising. "There is no identifying information. It has just vanished", says Randy, who was sold to an American family. The destruction of the paper trail has frustrated the search for his biological mother. For thousands of mothers in Spain, who may or may not have had their children die during the period these abductions were prevalent, it has meant anger and doubt. Nuria, whose sister apparently died stillborn, is having her sister's grave opened for a DNA check. However, for some, like Vicen, having the truth emerge and knowing there is a chance of finding her children offers hope of a new start. "I know that it is very difficult to find them but now I have a motive to continue living".

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