Bad Moon Rising

Bad Moon Rising After December's bombing of the Paradise Hotel in Kikambala, Kenyan Muslims have come under intense scrutiny. There is clearly anti-American and Israeli sentiment, but it is the coastal Muslims themselves who are paying the dearest price for the attacks. As well as being persecuted more than ever, they are also suffering from loss of vital tourism.

Archive available:

Interview with Sheikh Dour (Dor), Secretary General of the Council of Imams and preachers of Kenya.
Interview with Sheikh Mohammed Khalifa, Chairman of the Islamic Party of Kenya
Footage shot at the Paradise Hotel in Kikambala the first day after Mossad left.
GVs of the Memorial Garden in Nairobi, commemorating the August 7th 1998 bombing.
GVs Mombassa and its poverty.
Vox pops stating "Muslims they will finish Bush"
Footage inside a coastal madrassa.

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