A Dignified End

A Dignified End Obbe Terpstra is 86. He has no terminal illness but his quality of life is deteriorating, he wants to die in a dignified way. This exclusive report follows him as he prepares to commit suicide.
"I want to die. I am not allowed but I want to", states Obbe Terpstra. He watched his wife die of cancer and doesn't want to end up like that. But helping someone commit suicide is a criminal offence. His son, Albert, knows of his plans but hasn't been involved with the preparations. "He doesn't want us to see him as a drooling old man. He wants us to remember him as he is now." A month later, Obbe swallows barbiturates. "He was extremely happy. The atmosphere was like a birthday party", recalls Albert. By sharing their story, Albert and Obbe hope they will re-open the debate on euthanasia.

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