Yes We Can

Yes We Can This report meets the grass roots, social media driven activists who are turning politics on its head in Spain. Now that they've got the power in Madrid and Barcelona, what will they do with it?
"We have 8,200 towns, cities and villages that have new governments, so Spain right now is like a field of experimental democracy", says recently elected Madrid councillor Pablo Soto. In 2011, hundreds of thousands in Spain had been evicted from their homes in the wake of the global financial crisis. Many saw the established political parties as corrupt and in league with big business, and in response protested against the government. Now, through the support of social media, these protesters have risen to become politicians themselves in the country's biggest cities. "Yes we can!" chant the crowds as Ada Colau, Barcelona's first female mayor, is sworn into office. "The whole country has realised that destiny is in our hands", says Ada. "Doing nothing is the most dangerous thing we could do." But as these new officials enter office, it appears the opposition are already on the offensive, trawling their social media histories for indiscretions. On the very first day of Madrid's new council, one officer is forced to resign, and Soto is under pressure to quit. For these fledging politicians, the test will be whether they can really change the way Spain's politics works.

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