Wuhan's Critical Voices

An Investigation from the heart of the coronavirus outbreak

Wuhan's Critical Voices As the Chinese Communist Party claims victory over the coronavirus, critical voices are emerging in Wuhan. Ordinary people who lost their loved ones are challenging the state at great personal risk.
Wuhan was the starting point of the coronavirus epidemic, and as the city adjusts to life after lockdown, there is rising anger over how local authorities suppressed information in their bid to maintain control over the population. Taxi driver Ding Yingjun tried to warn his mother about the virus back in February, but convinced by the state news that human-to-human transmission was impossible, she did not take it seriously. She died later that month, "all because she watched the goddamn news", says Ding. Others blame the local government for reacting too slowly to a rising death toll. "Many people died. And the funeral parlor was also very busy. But there is nothing reported in the official newspaper", says Doctor Liao Haolei. "We thought it was so strange." Another Wuhan resident who lost his father remains undeterred by the threats he has received from the police for his criticism. "I am the family to a victim. I didn’t lie. I am never against the country. I am never against the party. I am not against anybody. I just told the truth".

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