Gladiator Bugs

Creating a champion fighting cricket

Gladiator Bugs In Beijing, being a cricket fanatic has a different connotation - these men rear insects on a special diet, ready for their big match in the fighting arena.
Experts scour the market for the biggest and meanest critters to feed up ready for the big confrontation. These crickets only live for 100 days, so for many the life of a gladiator will be all they know. The bugs are given extensive training, the battles are taken very seriously, with good money riding on the result. Master Fu, a personal trainer of these bugs, shows us his special regimes. Diet, weight and even sex drive are taken into account. We follow ‘Mr Mandibles’ from his purchase as a promising rookie, to his fattening up on banana milkshakes, to his entry into the ring. But our bug is ultimately knocked out, with ‘Jaws 2’ taking the title of champion fighter.

Produced by ABC Australia

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