A Woman's Place

Russian women attend 'school of housewives'

A Woman's Place Russia’s first school for housewives tutors women of different marital statuses and ages. From cooking and sewing to gardening and singing, the skills they learn are varied. And the aim? To get a husband.
Shocked at the discovery that the 20th century offered no such institution, he set one up himself. Clearly, funding and staffing the school would prove easier than learning to cook for himself... Today Russia's first school for housewives tutors women of different marital statuses and ages. It's an all-round winner, with women being able to "exchange our secrets with each other" while the men look forward to the benefits of better cooking, sewing and gardening. Yet ironically, the enjoyment that these busy women gain from this self-improvement venture, leaves little time for other things - including the acquiring of a husband. So while Gusev maintains that "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach", one student claims that "to find a husband is not the main goal"...

Produced by ABC Australia

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