Suffer The Children

Suffer The Children In the 90s Angola was named 'the worst country to be a child'. One in every three children won't live past 5. ABC Australia investigates why.
Due to the ongoing civil war, tens of thousands of kids have lost their parents. You can find hundreds of these orphans living in Luanda's roadside drains. In the stinking filth of the sewers the children attempt to make something of their lot; a vegetable garden sprouts from septic sludge and a cash crop of marijuana thrives on a secluded embankment. Sewer child Andre's violent drawings of masked soldiers are all too commonplace for Angola's children. They are the 2nd generation to be conceived in perpetual war that has no end in sight. It's not soldier on soldier violence here; 90% of casualties are civilians. Analyst Jakkie Pottinger reports on the disturbing new tactic employed by UNITA, the side backed by the United States and South Africa; "Never before have they ever used hunger." The rebels have successfully forced desperate civilians to seek-out food in government-held cities placing an extra burden on the government. Nobody believes that military muscle can end this war. Ultimately the battle is destroying the country's most precious asset - its children.

Produced by ABC Australia

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