Australia's Stolen Generation

Indigenous children removed from parents in Australia

Australia's Stolen Generation Ten years ago, Australia’s Prime Minister apologised to a stolen generation of indigenous people for policies that removed them from their families. But today, even more indigenous children are being removed.
Australia has a dark history of forcibly removing indigenous children from their homes, placing them in institutions. Even today, indigenous children are ten times more likely to be placed in out of home care than non-indigenous children. For Helen Eason, founder of the nationwide organisation Grandmothers Against Removals, the removal of aboriginal children from their families has sinister echos of the Stolen Generations of the twentieth century. She has been fighting for over a decade to stop removals. “We’re fighting for our babies that you still got out there. No more. We’re not going nowhere. And we are going to bring your system down. They are our babies.” Yet for Jacinta Price, an aboriginal Alice Springs Councillor, the removals reflect the high levels of drug addiction and child abuse in aboriginal communities. "There’s no point saying we’re creating another stolen generation...We’ve got the highest numbers of family violence. We’ve got the highest rates of um you know child neglect and abuse. And and this is why our children are being removed."

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