9 films Found
...woRds aRe causing enoRmous excitement in the...
Two words are causing enormous excitement in the medical world today – stem cells. In Singapore researchers are at the cutting edge – getting closer to the possibility that we might one day be able to grow body parts on demand.
...may not seem like a Radical thing to do, but when 4 young giRls woRe...
It may not seem like a radical thing to do, but when 4 young girls wore traditional hijab, or headscarf, to school, it sent shock waves up and down the Malay peninsula.
...supplying maids to countRies like SingapoRe have giRls queuing thRough...
Agencies supplying maids to countries like Singapore have girls queuing through the door. We discover that a life of servitude is a far cry from the escape these girls hoped for.
...veRsion followed bu clean inteRnational veRsionEIA...
English version followed bu clean international version
...the love guRu on a goveRnment backed cRusade to bReak down...
Meet the love guru on a government backed crusade to break down barriers and awaken sexuality. It's all part of a new plan to boost Singapore's flagging birth rate.
...sewage hold the answeR to the woRld's buRgeoning wateR cRisis? One...
Could sewage hold the answer to the world's burgeoning water crisis? One important source of water for the people of Singapore is 'NeWater'. Aka treated sewage.
...SingapoRe, the challenge of feeding a gRowing population...
In Singapore, the challenge of feeding a growing population is pushing the concept of urban farming to new heights. A super-efficient vertical farming system is producing greens for 5 million residents.
...is woRld leading in pRimaRy and secondaRy...
Singapore is world leading in primary and secondary education, with students raised on a diet of high-stakes testing and unique methods. But is the pressure and work-life balance too much for children?
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