38 films Found
...De Bie is still deeply bitteR about his yeaRs...
Mr De Bie is still deeply bitter about his years as a POW in Thailand during World War II. Now, he has the chance for reconciliation with Takashi Nagase, who worked for the Japanese.
...teRRible stoRy of the Baptist ChuRch of the Golden...
The terrible story of the Baptist Church of the Golden Triangle and their extensive sterilisation of the Akha people.
...the Thai PRime MinisteR declaRed waR on dRugs, no-one...
When the Thai Prime Minister declared war on drugs, no-one expected it to lead to the murder of thousands of 'addicts'.
...of innocent people aRe being muRdeRed in 'Silent Killings' as the...
Thousands of innocent people are being murdered in 'Silent Killings' as the Thai authorities continue their hard-line war on drugs.
...availablility of TigeR bone in Japan, EuRope and the USA 07:30 -...
...tigeR suckles fRom a pig Baby tigeR petted by kids...
...the KRue Se Mosque massacRe and failed ApRil upRising,...
Following the Krue Se Mosque massacre and failed April uprising, has South Thailand become another frontier for jihad?
...Kamolvisit has exposed bRibeRy at the highest levels of the police and...
Chuwit Kamolvisit has exposed bribery at the highest levels of the police and politics. He should know, he's been paying the police off himself for ten years.
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