SBS Australia
57 films Found
Reconstruction in Sri Lanka is provoking hot debate. As planning for five star resorts is underway, inhabitants complain their needs are being neglected.
As the 'hooded man' in the infamous Abu Ghraib pictures, Haj Ali became an icon of everything that was wrong with the US occupation. He tells his story and we hear from other prisoners
The CIA's abduction of a suspected terrorist from Milan ruined a major surveillance operation and violated Italy's national sovereignty. Now, those responsible are facing trial.
Were the faked Niger documents at the heart of the Valerie Plame affair produced by American neo-cons? What would be the ramifications of this if it were proved to be true?
Al-Jazeera reporter Taysir Alluni was convicted in 2005 on terrorism charges – a conviction which a European court later found to be not legal. Alluni has always maintained his innocence. This SBS report investigates the trial against Alluni just weeks before he was convicted.
Critics in the West argue that Pakistan's madrassas glorify terrorism and should be shut down. But any proposed reforms are bound to be controversial in Pakistan.
For the past three decades, Malaysia has experienced an Islamic revival. But some are worried about the increasing power of religious authorities and their implementation of Sharia Law.
After soldiers of a US 173rd Airborne company burn the bodies of two Taliban killed near the Pakistan border, members of the army's psychological warfare unit then broadcast an inflammatory message designed to taunt and bait the enemy.
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