24 films Found
...tReasuRes of Thessaloniki’s Jews aRe RumouRed to...
The treasures of Thessaloniki’s Jews are rumoured to be under the sea a few miles off-shore. Now the first ever search party is about to embark on a mission to find them.
...GReek police mismanaged this double homicide case...
Why Greek police mismanaged this double homicide case remains unexplained.
...2004 Olympics have alReady been oveRshadowed by delays and secuRity...
The 2004 Olympics have already been overshadowed by delays and security scares. Now many residents wish their bid had never been successful.
...DVD sales available foR NoRth AmeRica May and the eaRly sun tickles...
No DVD sales available for North America May and the early sun tickles the land. Donkey graze beneath an ancient monastery clinging to the cliffs above. In hill towns, cooking continues as it did in the 18th century -steaming lamb dishes informed by Ottoman and Venetian cuisines.
...Rena into heR welcoming and awaRd-winning family...
Follow Rena into her welcoming and award-winning family restaurant at the oceanic crossroads of Greece. Her success is indicative of the revolution taking place in Greek cuisine, where chefs are fusing together modern ideas with the homely flavours and aromas of the nation's traditional fare.
...faces fuRtheR economic unceRtainty with...
Greece faces further economic uncertainty with debts more than 100% of its GDP, and its incongruence to see mass protest for more money in tandem with the financial collapse.
...the fiRst time that an EU countRy has seen its...
It's the first time that an EU country has seen its treatment of refugees described as a humanitarian crisis by the UNHCR. This report gets to the heart of the escalating tensions in Greece.
...a 109 billion bailout agReement thousands of GReeks have pRotested...
Following a 109 billion bailout agreement thousands of Greeks have protested against austerity measures and even greater debt.This report goes to the grassroots and asks how ordinary Greeks view the crisis.
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