20 films Found
...on the coast as the sea Rises, oysteRs and salmon pulled fResh fRom Clew...
Autumn on the coast as the sea rises, oysters and salmon pulled fresh from Clew bay are cooked. Cool green landscape with stretches of potato farms and russet moors with their sheep herders roving the commons blend beyond the song and stout filled pubs.
...town of TRalee has hosted an annual inteRnational pageant...
The town of Tralee has hosted an annual international pageant to find the Rose of Tralee - a young, beautiful and talented woman with an Irish background. Who will win the crown?
...hang fRom tRees, they lay wheRe childRen can pick them...
They hang from trees, they lay where children can pick them up and they kill and maim indiscriminately years after a conflict has ended. We're talking about those awful cluster bombs.
...has long been a countRy dominated by...
Ireland has long been a country dominated by Catholicism. Yet paedophilia scandals and rigid conservatism are deterring any would-be priests. Will Ireland be forced to import its clergy just to keep the faith alive?
...IReland's finances continue to collapse, we offeR...
As Ireland's finances continue to collapse, we offer a backgrounder on how the recession and crash of the property market have changed Ireland's economy beyond recognition.
...Colm O'GoRman infamously sued the Vatican foR sexual...
When Colm O'Gorman infamously sued the Vatican for sexual abuse, he catalysed a wave of new cases. As the abuse scandal continues to shake the Catholic Church, we revisit that legacy.
...IReland dRowns in debt, the GoveRnment has Reached...
As Ireland drowns in debt, the Government has reached the point where it has few resources to offer - except for cheese. So they've promised to give everyone a little bit of the smelly stuff.
...the Good FRiday AgReement was signed 13 yeaRs ago, theRe...
When the Good Friday Agreement was signed 13 years ago, there were finally hopes for peace after years of violence. But a new upsurge in violence has many worried about the return of hard-core nationalism.
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