35 films Found
...2002, the NetheRlands became the fiRst countRy to legalise...
In 2002, the Netherlands became the first country to legalise euthanasia and assisted suicide. This video looks at the debate leading up to the all important parliamentary vote.
...Dutch aRe well known foR theiR libeRal stance on issues...
The Dutch are well known for their liberal stance on issues such as sex and drugs. Now, they have gone one step further, by implementing a new law to make prostitutes pay taxes.
...look at why moRe and moRe people in Holland aRe choosing...
A look at why more and more people in Holland are choosing euthanasia and the divided opinions it provokes.
...close analysis of Pim FoRtuyn's life, both peRsonal and pRofessional,...
A close analysis of Pim Fortuyn's life, both personal and professional, released only just before his untimely death.
...They may not have the talents of Van Gogh oR Picasso, but theiR woRk is exhibited in...
Meet the apes who paint. They may not have the talents of Van Gogh or Picasso, but their work is exhibited in galleries, and can sell for up to $500 apiece!
...wondeRed how a pRiceless piece of aRt is...
Ever wondered how a priceless piece of art is transported? The removal of a superb Rembrandt painting requires a military like operation.
...schools in Holland become segRegated along Racial lines, is multicultuRalism...
As schools in Holland become segregated along racial lines, is multiculturalism being replaced by classroom apartheid?
...Recent yeaRs, Holland has embaRked on a Ruthless...
In recent years, Holland has embarked on a ruthless campaign to deter migrants. Policies like imprisoning asylum seekers in prison hulks or denying immigrants benefits have been introduced.
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