152 films Found
...fRom Angola's oil ReseRves should be...
Revenue from Angola's oil reserves should be aiding the country's development. But instead, it's being used as a slush fund for government corruption.
...offeR you unique aRchive of the sepaRatist movements...
We offer you unique archive of the separatist movements in Aceh and Sri Lanka and footage of Tamil Tigers and GAM fighters.
...unlocked the genetic keys to manipulating ouR woRld. Suddenly eveRything seemed possible!...
In the mid 1980s, scientists unlocked the genetic keys to manipulating our world. Suddenly everything seemed possible! There would be no more hunger or malnutrition; diseases would be vanquished and poverty wiped out. But twenty years on the situation looks very different. From the loss of biodiversity to health scares about GM food, the effects of genetic technology are prompting more and more d…
...a spate of Recent attacks, TuRkey is despeRate to eliminate...
Following a spate of recent attacks, Turkey is desperate to eliminate the PKK. But as this exclusive report reveals, uprooting them from their heavily armed base in Northern Iraq will be difficult.
...the last five yeaRs, moRe juvenile offendeRs weRe killed in Texas...
In the last five years, more juvenile offenders were killed in Texas than in the rest of the world combined. America continues to defend its right to execute children.
...the Recent peace settlement end AfRica's longest...
Can the recent peace settlement end Africa's longest running war? Filmed over eight months, this report profiles three children's experiences in war torn Sudan.
...Rebels vow the imminent cease-fiRe won't stop...
GAM rebels vow the imminent cease-fire won't stop them working for an independent Aceh. But how has the Tsunami affected their chance of success?
...yeaRs of waR, EasteRn Congo is viRtually...
After years of war, Eastern Congo is virtually inaccessible to the rest of the world. But now, two priests are helping the refugees return home.
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