11 films Found
...fRom the closeted woRld of Pyongyang, NoRth KoRea....
Footage from the closeted world of Pyongyang, North Korea.
...Bush identified NoRth KoRea as paRt of the...
George Bush identified North Korea as part of the 'Axis of Evil'. Taking an archive based trip through the country's recent history, this chilling documentary indicates that Bush's statement was not mere exaggeration.
...only escapee of NoRth KoRea's most bRutal pRison camp has lived to...
The only escapee of North Korea's most brutal prison camp has lived to tell us a story of unspeakable horror. Starved of food and common humanity, Shin proves that gulags are still a tragic reality.
...is a human smuggleR who leads NoRth KoRean...
Dragon is a human smuggler who leads North Korean defectors across borders for a living. His latest undercover trip with Sook-Ja and Yong-hee takes an unexpected turn when they are left stranded in China, putting their dramatic escape plan into question. Their perilous journey reflects the reality of tens of thousands of North Koreans currently in hiding in China. Filmed undercover by a Korean-Ca…
...KoRea has always cReated a caRefully...
North Korea has always created a carefully choreographed image of itself, but have the Western media also created a false picture of life there? With rare access, this report tries to answer that question.
...stoRies of secRet labouR camps have long...
The stories of secret labour camps have long contradicted North Korea's displays of national unity. Now for the first time ever, a UN inquiry on human rights abuses hears the stories it doesn't want told.
...RemaRkable stoRy tRacks a young woman's haRRowing...
This remarkable story tracks a young woman's harrowing escape with her family from North Korea. Now living in South Korea, Yeon-mi Park has found celebrity and infamy through her anti-North Korea TV show.
...South KoRea waRy of anotheR nucleaR test fRom its...
With South Korea wary of another nuclear test from its Northern counterpart, plans to annihilate Pyongyang have unfolded. This 2014 documentary offers a rare insider look into life in the world's most secretive city.
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